Mandalay Attractions

The Sanda Muni Cast Buddha Image
The Sanda Muni Buddha Image is situated to the east of the Kyauktaw Gyi Pagoda. It was cast by King Bodawpaya before the founding of the city Mandalay. During the time of building the Great Mingun Pagoda, during King Bodawpaya’s temporary reign in Nan Taw Kyun ( “the Royal Palace Island” ), the image was cast out of 18563.94kg of iron in M.E 1164, and was carried reverently to the Royal City of Amarapura. In the reign of King Bagyitaw,...

The Buddha Tooth Relic Pagoda is situated on the Maha Dhamma Yan Thi Hill, to the east of the Yangon-Mandalay Highway, Shar-taw Lay Village, Amarapura Township. The Maha Dhamma Yan Thi Hill was chosen for the site of building the pagoda, and the Parikamma Ground Cleansing Ceremony was celebrated on 6-7-95. On the land which covers 364.23 hectares is built the main shrine of 49.38m in diameter and 49.38m in its Height. It took one year, five months and eight...

Kandawgyi Lake of Mandalay & Pyi Gyi Mon Royal Barge
It was formerly known as the Tet Thay In. It is situated in west Than Lyet Maw, Chan Mya Thazi Township. It covers 322.43 hectares. It is 3657.6m long from north to south and 975.36m from east to west. In the olden times, the Tet Thay In was a natural pond of used water and sewage of the native people, where the Shwe Ta Chaung and the Thingaza Chaung merged. The Tet Thay In, which has been cleared up, was...

The beautifully proportioned pagoda at Eindawya Paya stands west of Zegyo Market. It is covered in goldleaf and makes a fine, shimmering sight on a sunny day. The pagoda was built by King Pagan Min in 1847, on the site of the palace where he lived before he ascended the throne – which at that time was still at Amarapura. (Source:...

The Maha Lawka Marazein Kuthodaw Pagoda
It is situated at about 274.2m from the foot of the Mandalay Hill, to the southeast of the Mandalay Hill. The pagoda was built by King Mindon in M.E 1221. Its height is 57.27m. It was completed along with the construction of three great walls in M.E 1224. Within these three walls, in the 5.26hectres wide precinct, the Buddhist scriptures of the Three Baskets were inscribed on stone slabs and housed in shrines, the total number of the inscriptions being...

The Mandalay Hill is situated to the north-east corner of the Mandalay Royal Palace. It lies from north to south, its altitude being 236.5m above sea level and its height going up to 167.64m. King Mindon, who founded the Royal City of Yatanabon, built the Mya Nan San Kyaw, the Royal Palace, on 6th waning day of Kason, M.E 1221 ( A.D 1857 ). It is surrounded by the rectangular shaped walls, each of which stretches 8.25 kilometres long, and...

Close to the Atumashi Monastery stands the Shwenandaw Monastery meaning “Golden Palace Monastery”. This monastery is of great interest not only as a fine example of a traditional Myanmar wooden monastery, but as a fragile reminder of the old Mandalay Fort. At one time this building was part of the palace complex and was used as an apartment by King Mindon and his chief queen, and it was in this building that he died. After Mindon’s death, King Thibaw Min...

The whole palace complex was destroyed by fire during the Second World War. The palace walls, the four gates and the moat still stand today as evidence of the majestic palace city. (Source:...

The Mandalay Hill is situated to the north-east corner of the Mandalay Royal Palace. It lies from north to south, its altitude being 236.5m above sea level and its height going up to 167.64m. The Mandalay Hill is surrounded by the nine satellite hills called the Shwe Taung ( The Golden Hill), the Ngwe Taung ( the Silver Hill ), the Paddamya Taung ( the Ruby Hill ), the Hse-dan Taung ( the Hill of Arsenious trisulphide), the Myin Thila...

Mandalay is full of shopping experience. The new Mandalay Zay Cho is one of the main market places in Mandalay. You can get almost anything from there such as acheik (Mandalay silk longyi), cotton clothing, hto moat (sticky cakes), laphet (pickled tea leaves), kadipar slippers (velvet slippers), silverware, lacquerware, jewellery, gems and so on. (Source:...

Yandabo is a village on the bank of Ayeyarwaddy River in Mandalay Region. It is famous for an Anglo- Myanmar peace treaty that was signed in 1826. It is also a well known place for making pots such as the ones seen in this picture. One person can make 30 to 50 such pots per day which are used for water or food...
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